
Our warehouse solutions meet the high standards for storage capacity, security and optimal space saving solutions.


Our warehouse solutions meet the high standards for storage capacity, security and optimal space saving solutions.


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Production process as well as goods distribution to the end user is subject of continuous improvements, acceleration and automation. In this process, goods manipulation and storage plays crucial role and influences the quality, fluency and efficiency of the whole process. 

Warehouse is an important part of this material flow as it buffers the irregularities of the goods flow, accumulate and distribute the goods. Regardless whether it is storage of raw materials, semi products or finished goods, the highest demand is put particularly on capacity, safety and optimal utilization of the space. Modern, effectively operating warehouses and logistic areas can not exist without automated systems. 

Racking storage systems from the KOVAL SYSTEMS, a. s., allow not only full automation of manipulation and storage but also superior organization of the work, higher goods turnover, goods protection, as well as high level of work culture and safety.


We inform you that processing of personal data collected by the KOVAL Systems is under the supervision of the Euro TRADING s.r.o. and it is in accordance with the 44 § of Act no. 18/20128 Z.z. and the Article No. 37 REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. The Euro TRADING s.r.o. offers you an authorized person you can contact at zo@eurotrading.sk. You can find more information at: www.eurotrading.sk/zo

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